Holter Monitoring in Sangamner

Holter Monitoring in Sangamner - Dr. Atul Patil

Holter Monitoring

A Holter monitor is a tiny, portable gadget that monitors your pulse rate. Wearing a wearable gadget for one to two days may be recommended by your doctor. The gadget captures all of your pulse rate throughout that period. Asha Heart Clinic, the best hospital in Nashik is known for providing quality healthcare and valuable experience to all patients. it is Also Known For providing Holter Monitoring in Nashik.

If your ECG does not offer your doctor enough information about your heart’s state, a Holter monitor test is usually used following a traditional test to assess your heartbeat (electrocardiogram).

Your surgeon would first use the data from the Holter monitor to determine whether you have a cardiac rhythm problem. If typical Holter monitoring fails to detect your abnormal heart rhythm, your doctor may also recommend a cordless Holter monitor that may be worn for several weeks.

Why it's done?

If you have signs or symptoms of a heart problem, such as an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia) or unexplained fainting, your doctor may order a test called an electrocardiogram. An electrocardiogram is a brief, noninvasive test that uses electrodes taped to your chest to check your heart’s rhythm.

However, sometimes an electrocardiogram doesn’t detect any irregularities in your heart rhythm because you’re only hooked up to the machine for a short time. If your signs and symptoms suggest that an occasionally irregular heart rhythm may be causing your condition, your doctor may recommend that you wear a Holter monitor for a day or so.

Over that time, the Holter monitor may be able to detect irregularities in your heart rhythm that an electrocardiogram couldn’t detect.
Your doctor may also order a Holter monitor if you have a heart condition that increases your risk of an abnormal heart rhythm. Your doctor may suggest you wear a Holter monitor for a day or two, even if you haven’t had any symptoms of an abnormal heartbeat.


Other than potential pain or itchy skin where the wires were implanted, there are no substantial dangers associated with using a Holter monitor.
The Holter monitor, on the other hand, must not be exposed to water or it will be destroyed. If you’re using a Holter monitor, don’t swim or bathe while it’s on. If you have a cordless Heart – rate monitor, however, you’ll be told how to detach and reattach the sensor and monitor before showering or bathing.

Other electrical appliances normally have little effect on holter detectors. While wearing one, however, you should avoid body scanners, magnets, microwave ovens, electric blankets, electric razors, and toothbrushes since these devices might disrupt the signals from electrodes to the Holter monitor. For the same reason, keep your telephones and digital music at least every six inches from of the monitor.

How you prepare

You’ll have a doctor’s visit shortly before your Holter monitor exam to get the device installed. You should bathe after your visit since you won’t be able to get the monitor wet or take it to bathe after your tracking begins.

A technician will place electrodes that sense your heartbeat on your chest. These electrodes are about the size of a silver dollar. For men, a small amount of hair may be shaved to make sure the electrodes stick.

The expert will next use numerous cables to link the sensor to a recording device, and will show you how to wear the video recorder appropriately so that it can capture data transferred by the electrodes. A stack of cards is roughly the size of the recording equipment.

You’ll be instructed to keep a diary of all the activities you do while wearing the monitor. It’s particularly important to record in the diary any symptoms of palpitations, skipped heartbeats, shortness of breath, chest pain, or lightheadedness. You’ll usually be given a form to help you record your activities and any symptoms.
Once your monitor is fitted and you’ve received instructions on how to wear it, you can leave your doctor’s office and resume your normal activities.

What you can expect

During the procedure :

Holter tracking is non-invasive and harmless. The sensors and wires may be hidden beneath your garments, and the recording equipment can be worn on the belt or linked to a strap. Once your tracking begins, you should wear the Holter monitor at all times, even when sleeping.

You may go about your everyday activities while wearing a Holter monitor. The length of time you must wear the monitor will be determined by your doctor. Depending on what ailment your doctor believes you have and how frequently you encounter signs of a cardiac problem, it might take anywhere from 24 to 48 hours. The battery life of a cordless Holter monitor is weeks.

While wearing the monitor, you’ll be requested to keep a record of all your everyday activities. Make a list of the activities you engage in and the times you engage in them. Any signs you have while using the device, such as chest discomfort, breathlessness, or missed heartbeats, should be written down.

Your doctor can use the data from the Heart – rate monitor recorder to match it to the information in your journal to assist identify your ailment.

After the procedure :

You’ll return to your physician’s surgery to return the Heart – rate monitor once your tracking time has ended. The electrodes will be removed from your chest by a nurse or tech, which might also cause discomfort comparable to when an adhesive bandage is removed from your skin.
You’ll hand over the journal you kept while wearing the Holter monitor. Your doctor will make a comparison from the recorder to the actions and symptoms you put down whenever the Holter monitor is read.


Your doctor will discuss your results with you after reviewing the results of the Holter monitor recorders and what you’ve put in your activity diary. The results of the Holter monitor could indicate that you have a cardiac issue, or your doctor may require more testing to determine what is causing your symptoms.

Your doctor may be unable to identify your disease based on the findings of the Holter monitor test in some situations, especially if you did not experience any abnormal heart rhythms while wearing the monitor.

A wireless Holter monitor or an incident recorder, either of which can be worn for longer periods of time than a typical Holter monitor, may be recommended by your specialist. Similar to Holter monitoring, event recordings require you to press a button when you experience symptoms. Event recorders come in a variety of shapes and sizes.